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Beginning in 2018 through to 2020, the Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia, Heritage Vancouver Society, and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Classical Garden are committing to conducting public outreach and education regarding people-centred approaches towards sustaining and cultivating living heritage.
A series of free forums and learning opportunities in diverse formats featuring speakers experienced in the field locally and internationally, workshops with policy proposals, guided walkarounds, and online media will be offered. In particular, this engagement will be complimenting and serving as a foundation for understanding and participating in Vancouver Chinatown’s bid to be an UNESCO World Heritage Site. With that, we are committed to conducting meaningful engagement in English and Chinese throughout the series. By combining our expertise and resources, we will be providing a range of opportunities to examine heritage in general and as it applies to Chinatown. Beyond Pender will be presenting contemporary and evolving perspectives of what constitutes heritage, and the significant social role it plays in bettering communities. This series will also be exploring the UNESCO application process and the possibilities of what UNESCO World Heritage status could mean and do for Vancouver’s Chinatown and the city. |
此系列活動以多元形式呈現,我們將邀請本地及國際知名的講者來主持免費的公眾論壇及學習機會、舉辦政策提案工作坊、提供步行導覽,並利用網絡媒體吸引民眾參與。透過這些活動,我們期望能為溫哥華唐人街申請成為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產提供公眾對話及參與的基礎。此系列活動致力於規劃及促成有意義的中英文公眾對話。 透過統整彼此的專業知識與資源,我們將提供不同機會去檢視文化遺產以及它與唐人街關聯。Beyond Pender系列活動從當代及其他不斷演變的視角去理解文化遺產的意涵,並探究它對於改善社群生活所能發揮的重要功用,不僅如此,此系列還將探討聯合國教科文組織世界遺產提名的申請程序以及世界遺產地位能為溫哥華唐人街和溫市帶來何種效益。 |